niedziela, 12 grudnia 2021

Nowa książka w sprzedaży


W sumie jakoś głupio wyszło, że wrzuciłem ogłoszenie wszędzie, tylko nie na blog... 9 grudnia weszła do sprzedaży moja nowa książka w serii 'Century of the Soldier 1618-1721', zatytułowana 'We came, we saw, God conquered. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth's military effort in the relief of Vienna, 1683'. Jest to moja próba przybliżenia czytelnikom nie mającym dostępu do prac w języku polskim zagadnień związanych z organizacją, liczebnością i działaniami bojowymi wojsk polskich i litewskich w 1683 roku. 

Nieco więcej o książce na stronie wydawcy

11 komentarzy:

  1. А всё-таки, можно узнать, сколько комбатантов в армии Кара Мустафы насчитал автор? :)

    1. I didn't count them all, as I do not describe Ottoman army in the book.

    2. Понятно! Но все же странно... Получается, союзники опять сражаются с "безликим" и "бесформенным" противником? :)

    3. They are not faceless or shapeless, I provide estimate of battle formations fighting each wing of allied army but - as book is focused on Polish army - I can't see a point of describing Ottomans, Imperials and co.

    4. О! То есть, Вы все же приводите численность турецкой армии?!

    5. Those directly fighting against Poles and those present in both battles of Parkany - yes.

    6. Уточнение: дважды упомянутая Levantine Infantry великого везира - это его те самые гвардейские секбаны, хорошо известные по источникам. Левенды - не равно левантийцы.

  2. Thanks for producing this book, which has been a huge gap in English for too long. I am excited to get my copy, which I ordered as soon as it was available.
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James, I do hope you will enjoy it. Any feedback will be welcomed :)

    2. To my great and pleasant surprise the book arrived today!
      I have had a good flick through it and am most impressed. It looks like a tremendous publication, well-researched, full of detailed information; a real quality publication. I especially liked the detailed section about the Polish troop types and the inclusion of numerous quotes to present the evidence for aspects of 'uniform' and equipment. The section about the battle and campaign looks fantastic too. You have included excellent looking maps (always a key requirement) and it's great that you also included Párkány (1st and 2nd) and other aspects of the campaign too. The numerous reproduced paintings, engravings and such, plus the colour plates are clear and add greatly to the overall impression (and no doubt the detail and examples once I have done more than skim-read a few paragraphs!).
      I'll be putting a review on my blog soon—probably won't wait until I have read it all!
      Thank you again for researching and writing the book
      Regards, James

    3. Great to hear James, thanks for such kind words!
